Friday, November 7, 2008

Fun with Mosaics!

This evening we hosted a great workshop that is a popular favorite with our client list. Each time we run it, more and more creative interpretations of the projects emerge. The instructor, Tippy Wobbe, is a fun mosaic artist who enjoys sharing his knowledge with his students and he often shares stories about techniques and tips that he has learned along the way.

It seemed like our group enjoyed their first their pieces have to set for 12 hours. Then tomorrow they will return to finish with grouting and will get to take their works home. I can already tell that there are going to be some table tops with mosaic on them in the near future at some of their homes...

This is a great activity to enjoy with friends...bring a bottle of your favorite beverage to our next workshop and enjoy some social time with friends while learning a new skill you can use on old furniture at home.

Our next Mosaic Workshop for Beginners runs January 24th (6-9pm) and January 25th from 10-11am. Visit us on the web at for pricing or to reserve your space.
Hope to see you there!

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